Pinhole Assist
Par Henry Thomas
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Pinhole Assist is the most complete app for making argentic and digital pinhole shots. It is available on the AppStore since 2011.
Pinhole Assist has 264 camera presets and 113 films available! (as of February 2024)
Table of contents: Presentation Instructions List of cameras FAQ Full list of films here

Main screen
Pinhole Assist is suited for the following devices: iPhone, and for iPads.
Content :
• Pihnole Assist Manual (english)
• Manuel Pinhole Assist (francais) • FAQ (english) • List of predefined cameras • List of predefined films
Reviews :
- Feb 8, 2019 “My favorite pinhole app!! “This is my go to app for pinhole photography…this has made getting good results much easier…” bizzy
- Dec 16, 2016. “Wow. This app blew me away with its features and calculations (especially reciprocity fail). - Horacekenneth
- Feb 19, 2014 Wonderful!! “This app is perfect for the pinhole photographer in the field. I love that I can save settings for all my cameras and recall them instantly in the moment. - Papskier”
- So useful! May 26, 2013 “This takes the guesswork out of exposure calculation, since it turns your iPhone into a light meter and suggests the correct exposure! Works like a charm. Great app for pinhole photographers.”
- May 16, 2012 : “Pretty much the perfect app for pinhole”, Gavin Lucas
- March 26, 2012 “Pinhole photography - Great app! This will make pinhole photography much simpler to do”, Zone v
- November 28, 2011 “Great solution !! - Thank you for this Pinhole timing app. I have many different pinhole cameras and this will help me figure timing on all of them. Thank you !!Greg.”
Pinhole Assist is fitted for argentic and numeric pinhole, as well as view camera photography and wet-plate . The range of aperture and sensitivity (starting at 0.05 ASA ) allows for film, photo paper, wet-plate and as well as pinhole.
- Built-in camera computes exposure;
- alternatively enter EV reading for any lightmeter
- or enter time metering to compute reciprocity effect.
- Use built-in exposition timer and bubble level for optimal shot;
- The light meter has a spot-meter feature and allows for incident metering;
- Enter your camera aperture from the predefined list (170+ pinhole cameras) or compute it;
- Let the assistant automatically compensate for reciprocity of film (correction for long exposures, 60+ different curves included), or use your own curves.
- Save, restore and presets (combos) : aperture, predefined cameras, ASA and reciprocity settings
- 30+ builtin filters (red, ND…), add your own, mafast acess your favorites ,
- Log shot information : preview, exposure, metering, location, interactive map , date and a shot. Export as picture, CSV or JSON file.
You can create film and set reciprocity curve from within Pinhole Assist. Crete new ones, or tweak existing ones.
Use iTunes (on Mac/PC) to import/export access the films you created, or exchange them via email m curves (Go to the app Web Site for instructions)
- timer usability : now tapping the chrono icon directly starts the timer starting the chronometer automatically create a log.
- Combos : edit for your camera+ film combination (combo) the aperture or the predefined camera, as well as film speed and reciprocity.
- Choosing a film reciprocity now sets the film speed.
- 68 different films, including Multigrade paper and Harman positive paper
- 210+ different pinhole and zone plate cameras : Ondu, Diana, Holga, Sténoflex, Reality soSubtle, Lensless, Ilford, Stenopéika, Vermeer, 8banners, ZeroImage, Leonardo, Carlos, Nopo, Spiral, Sharan…
Any other camera can be accommodated.
Go to the Settings to :
- adjust scales can be by ½ EV or ⅓ EV,
- enable bellow correction: a button will appear on the main screen to allow bellow adjustment, allowing to use view cameras;
- adjust the cell and incident metering constant;
- start the timer automatically or not;
- adjust log behavior.
Please note: this is not a camera app: it does not take picture. This is a sophisticated exposure calculator to take argentic (ou DSLR) shots with an pinhole camera.
Disclaimer: this is not a camera app: it does not take picture. This is a sophisticated exposure calculator to take argentic (ou DSLR) shots with an pinhole camer
En anglais et en français.
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