Ci-dessous se trouvent les pages utilisant le terme taxonomique “Appstore”
Easy and accurate digital negatives calibration !
Better alternative photo printing with easy calibration !
Calibration+ helps you for alternate process printing, by allowing fine tone control on your digital negatives.
Pinhole Assist
Download on the App Store
Pinhole Assist is the most complete app for making argentic and digital pinhole shots. It is available on the AppStore since 2011.
Pinhole Assist has 264 camera presets and 113 films available! (as of February 2024)
Pinhole Assist films
This is the list of films available in Pinhole Assist and Reciprocity+.
Pinhole Assist instructions (en)
With Pinhole Assist, you can :
• Compute exposure time ; • Mesure light; • Locate your camera in the predefined list or compute its aperture; • Let the assistant automatically compensate for reciprocity of film (correction for long exposures), or use your own curves.
Reciprocity +
Reciprocity+, an iOS App for calculating long exposures with filters and reciprocity